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Executive Committee 2023-24

The General Meeting (at which full members have one vote each) is the Association highest decision making body and meets annually in March. In between General Meetings, the Executive Committee is responsible for the conduct of business.


LAU, Simon (Mr)
Head of Student Affairs
Tung Wah College

Vice Chairperson


WAN, Adele (Ms)

Director of Student Affairs

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Honorary Treasurer


LAU, Helen (Ms)

Chief Student Advising Officer (Campus Life)
The University of Hong Kong

Honorary Secretary


LEUNG, Clare (Ms)
Senior Student Affairs Manager, Student Affairs Office
Tung Wah College

Immediate Past Chairperson


SO, Joseph (Ir Dr)

Head of Student Affairs

College of Professional and Continuing Education

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


CHAN, Josephine (Miss)

Executive Officer

City University of Hong Kong


FUNG, Cannon (Mr)

Assistant Director of Student Affairs,
Student Affairs Office

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

LAM, Ruby (Ms)

Head, Career Center

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

LAU, Verona (Ms)

Student Affairs Manager

Hong Kong Baptist University

LAW, Ida (Ms)
Functional Manager
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

LEUNG, May (Ms)
Head of Student Finance & Liaison
Hong Kong Shue Yan University

LEUNG, Sai Kit (Mr)
Assistant Director of Student Affairs
The Education University of Hong Kong

LUI, Edwin (Mr)

Principal Student Development Officer

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong

WONG, Sue (Ms)
Executive Officer
Student Affairs Office
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

WONG, Connie (Ms)
Associate Director of Student Affairs 
Lingnan University

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